Thursday, May 21, 2009

User Authentication

Since we know our application will need to have registered users, I figured I'd start by implementing the user authentication framework.

There are several options, some of which can be used together.

Use OpenID

OpenID is a pretty cool mechanism that allows you to register on one web site, and use that id and password on another web site. So instead of registering with each web site, you only register the once. It's a lot like Google Accounts, but there's no centralized control over where you register. You can register on any OpenID enabled site, and that site then becomes your home site.

The problem with OpenID is that it's still very much a geeky sort of thing to use. I don't want to force non-technical community members to figure out OpenID in order to use my application. It'd be cool to allow OpenID for those who already have those IDs, but I don't want to require it.

On the other hand, the geeks at places like Google and Yahoo allow their ids to be used as OpenID ids, so people might already have an OpenID and not know it.

Use Google's Authentication

App Engine makes it nearly trivial to hitch on to the authentication Google uses for Gmail and other Google services. No code needs written to force someone to log in before seeing a specific page, and only a little code is needed to get the email of the currently logged in user. That email can then be used as a key into an application specific data store.

One problem is that people have to register for a Google Account if they don't have one...that isn't all that serious, since people would have to register on the web application anyway.

Another issue is that this doesn't support any OpenID account, just Google Accounts (which can also be used as OpenID accounts). So an OpenID user who used a different OpenID provider than Google would still have to register for a Google Account.

Maintain My Own Database

The traditional way of handling a web application is for that web application to maintain a list of registered users. A new user must register with the web application, and their user id and password is specific to that web application.

The advantage here is that I can write this so it plays well with OpenID, and have both. Since a Google Account also works as an OpenID account, I'd be automatically supporting those, too.

The disadvantage is that there's quite a bit of code to write, compared to the nearly zero effort of just supporting Google Accounts via App Engine.

What To Do?

Having talked about three options, I think I'll use a fourth.

RPX is a website that allows a site to piggy back on logins people already have, such as OpenID, Google, Yahoo, Facebook, etc. So someone could sign onto my site with their Facebook ID. The basic service is free, so no worries there.

The disadvantage to this is that I'm now dependent on a third party site for processing my user authentication. No doubt this opens up all sorts of security problems, but for the purposes of this course I can accept that. I'll talk at some point during the course about security concerns with web applications, and how to reduce security issues.

For a company, or a site that expected to have a huge user base, RPX might not be the best option (at least not the free version...but then a company could afford the paid version). But to get something up and running easily that allows access to a fairly large number of people, I'll go with RPX.

We'll start to work through the details of this in the next post.

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