Okay, now we finally get to implementing unique display names.
In RPXResults.java, we have a section where we see if the user is already in the system. There are three possibilities now that we want unique display names:
1) The user is in the system, and has a unique display name.
2) The user is in the system, but hasn't updated their profile with a unique display name
3) The user is not in the system yet
For option 1, we can just do what we're already doing, redirect to the appropriate destination URL.
For option 2 and 3, we need to instead redirect to the profile page so they can enter their unique display name. Once they have entered a unique display name, we want to continue to the original destination URL.
That requires a change to RPXResults.java to redirect to the profile page in appropriate circumstances, and a change to ProfileServlet.java to redirect to the destination URL.
Note that we have a slight conflict here, because ProfileServlet.java wants to set a destination URL cookie, too, which will overwrite the one set by whatever page they were on when they clicked Sign In. Rather than complicate things by having multiple cookies for destination URLs, we'll just make ProfileServlet hide the complexity. It'll set its own cookie only when it is displaying its error template (which is the only time the Sign In link will show).
So we have these changes to make:
1) RPXResults must redirect to the profile page when appropriate
2) ProfileServlet must redirect to itself only when displaying the error template
3) ProfileServlet must require the user name be unique
4) ProfileServlet must, on a successful save of a unique user name, redirect to the destination URL
I won't show the code for 2, since that's just moving the two Cookie related lines into the if statement for showing the error template.
We'll start with the RPXResults changes. Right now we have logic like this:
if (results.size() == 0)
// create new user and store it
// Existing user, update needed values
We're going to change to something like this:
if (results.size() == 0)
// create new user and store it
// Redirect to /profile
if (user name is not set)
// Existing user no name, redirect to /profile
// Existing user name okay
For the purposes of making the code I post as simple as possible, I'm going to strip out the else portion where the existing user name is okay. The only reason to put code there is to update user records from previous versions during development, and now that we're trending more toward having the user enter their profile information rather than getting it from RPX, we won't need that as much.
I'll move the declaration of String destination = null up above the try block in RPXServlet, so that I can set an appropriate destination page manually if needed.
Here's the changed code for the case where the user doesn't exist in the system yet:
if (results.size() == 0)
user = new User ();
user.setUserLevel (0);
destination = "/profile";
Note that I don't set the user name from the RPX data now. I'll let the user type in whatever they want in their profile.
The else part of that if is for when they're already in the system, and we just need to make sure that they already have a unique user name set:
user = results.get(0);
if (user.getName().equals(""))
destination = "/profile";
This assumes, of course, that ProfileServlet won't let them set a user name unless it's unique. So let's make that change now.
In ProfileServlet, we have code like this:
if (req.getParameter("submit") != null)
if (req.getParameter("name").trim().length () == 0)
message = "You must enter a name!";
We're going to add some more error checking, so that pm.makePersistent is only called when the user name is both non-empty and unique. To see if the name is unique, we need to build a new query based on the name.
Inside the else from above, I'll put:
Query nameQuery = pm.newQuery("select from omega.server.User where name == nameParam");
nameQuery.declareParameters("String nameParam");
List<User> nameResults = (List<User>) nameQuery.execute(req.getParameter("name").trim());
if (nameResults.size () != 0)
If the nameResults has some records, that still doesn't mean that the name is not unique. After all, maybe they pressed Submit without changing their name...then we'd get exactly one result, and it would be them. So we need to make sure the result we're getting isn't them.
if (nameResults.size () != 0)
if (nameResults.get(0).getId() != user.getId())
message = "That name is already taken, please try another";
if (message.equals(""))
And finally save the user name is it turns out that none of our error checking found problems.
That still leaves us with needing ProfileServlet to redirect appropriately. There's actually a bit of complexity here. We have a few cases to deal with:
1) They clicked on the Profile link, so our destination URL cookie is set to /profile
2) They clicked on Sign In and got here via RPXResults, so our destination URL cookie is set to something else, but their name wasn't unique so we need to stay here for now
3) They clicked on Sign In and got here via RPXResults, so our destination URL cookie is set to something else, and their name is okay so we can redirect
I'll focus my code on the else, just after the call to pm.makePersistent. It won't be pretty, but it'll work (this, by the way, is how unmanageable code evolves, with ongoing changes to existing code...it's a good idea to stop and refactor the code now and then to clean it up).
Just after the call to pm.makePersistent, I'll get the destination URL from the cookie and see if it's /profile. If it isn't, I'll redirect to it. It'll look something like this:
if (message.equals(""))
String destination = null;
Cookie [] cookies = req.getCookies();
if (destination == null && cookies != null)
for(int i=0; i<cookies.length; i++)
Cookie cookie = cookies[i];
if ("destinationURL".equals(cookie.getName()))
destination = cookie.getValue();
if (destination != null && ! destination.equals ("/profile"))
resp.sendRedirect (destination);
Be prepared for there to be bugs with this, since we have enough cases that you should be worried about the stability of the code. Before going much farther, you really should redesign ProfileServlet to be more straightforward.
But, it should mostly work and shows the techniques to create the same sort of experience you're used to on well done membership sites.
Next up, I think, will be adding an email address to the user's profile, and requiring that their email address be verified before it's used by the system. This will introduce us to the Mail API.